
npm node deps tests cover chat size

Prepare compressed versions of assets to serve them with Content-Encoding.

Getting Started

To begin, you'll need to install compression-webpack-plugin:

$ npm install compression-webpack-plugin --save-dev

Then add the plugin to your webpack config. For example:


const CompressionPlugin = require('compression-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {
  plugins: [new CompressionPlugin()],

And run webpack via your preferred method.



Type: String|RegExp|Array<String|RegExp> Default: undefined

Test to match files against.

// in your webpack.config.js
new CompressionPlugin({
  test: /\.js(\?.*)?$/i,


Type: String|RegExp|Array<String|RegExp> Default: undefined

Files to include.

// in your webpack.config.js
new CompressionPlugin({
  include: /\/includes/,


Type: String|RegExp|Array<String|RegExp> Default: undefined

Files to exclude.

// in your webpack.config.js
new CompressionPlugin({
  exclude: /\/excludes/,


Type: Boolean|String Default: false

Enable file caching. The default path to cache directory: node_modules/.cache/compression-webpack-plugin.


Enable/disable file caching.

// in your webpack.config.js
new CompressionPlugin({
  cache: true,


Enable file caching and set path to cache directory.

// in your webpack.config.js
new CompressionPlugin({
  cache: 'path/to/cache',


Type: String|Function Default: [path].gz[query]

The target asset filename.


[file] is replaced with the original asset filename. [path] is replaced with the path of the original asset. [dir] is replaced with the directory of the original asset. [name] is replaced with the filename of the original asset. [ext] is replaced with the extension of the original asset. [query] is replaced with the query.

// in your webpack.config.js
new CompressionPlugin({
  filename: '[path].gz[query]',

new CompressionPlugin({
  filename: '[dir][name].gz[ext][query]',


// in your webpack.config.js
new CompressionPlugin({
  filename(info) {
    // info.file is the original asset filename
    // info.path is the path of the original asset
    // info.query is the query
    return `${info.path}.gz${info.query}`;


Type: String|Function Default: gzip

The compression algorithm/function.


The algorithm is taken from zlib.

// in your webpack.config.js
new CompressionPlugin({
  algorithm: 'gzip',


Allow to specify a custom compression function.

// in your webpack.config.js
new CompressionPlugin({
  algorithm(input, compressionOptions, callback) {
    return compressionFunction(input, compressionOptions, callback);


Type: Object Default: { level: 9 }

If you use custom function for the algorithm option, the default value is {}.

Compression options. You can find all options here zlib.

// in your webpack.config.js
new CompressionPlugin({
  compressionOptions: { level: 1 },


Type: Number Default: 0

Only assets bigger than this size are processed. In bytes.

// in your webpack.config.js
new CompressionPlugin({
  threshold: 8192,


Type: Number Default: 0.8

Only assets that compress better than this ratio are processed (minRatio = Compressed Size / Original Size). Example: you have image.png file with 1024b size, compressed version of file has 768b size, so minRatio equal 0.75. In other words assets will be processed when the Compressed Size / Original Size value less minRatio value. You can use 1 value to process assets that are smaller than the original. Use a value of Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER to process all assets even if they are larger than the original (useful when you are pre-zipping all assets for AWS)

// in your webpack.config.js
new CompressionPlugin({
  minRatio: 0.8,


Type: Boolean Default: false

Whether to delete the original assets or not.

// in your webpack.config.js
new CompressionPlugin({
  deleteOriginalAssets: true,


Using Zopfli

Prepare compressed versions of assets using zopfli library.

ℹ️ @gfx/zopfli require minimum 8 version of node.

To begin, you'll need to install @gfx/zopfli:

$ npm install @gfx/zopfli --save-dev


const zopfli = require('@gfx/zopfli');

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new CompressionPlugin({
      compressionOptions: {
        numiterations: 15,
      algorithm(input, compressionOptions, callback) {
        return zopfli.gzip(input, compressionOptions, callback);

Using Brotli

Brotli is a compression algorithm originally developed by Google, and offers compression superior to gzip.

Node 11.7.0 and later has native support for Brotli compression in its zlib module.

We can take advantage of this built-in support for Brotli in Node 11.7.0 and later by just passing in the appropriate algorithm to the CompressionPlugin:


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new CompressionPlugin({
      filename: '[path].br[query]',
      algorithm: 'brotliCompress',
      test: /\.(js|css|html|svg)$/,
      compressionOptions: { level: 11 },
      threshold: 10240,
      minRatio: 0.8,
      deleteOriginalAssets: false,

N.B.: The level option matches BROTLI_PARAM_QUALITY for Brotli-based streams

Multiple compressed versions of assets for different algorithm


module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new CompressionPlugin({
      filename: '[path].gz[query]',
      algorithm: 'gzip',
      test: /\.js$|\.css$|\.html$/,
      threshold: 10240,
      minRatio: 0.8,
    new CompressionPlugin({
      filename: '[path].br[query]',
      algorithm: 'brotliCompress',
      test: /\.(js|css|html|svg)$/,
      compressionOptions: { level: 11 },
      threshold: 10240,
      minRatio: 0.8,


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